Comments on: Returning from Maternity Leave as a Teacher Student-Centered Math Lessons Mon, 10 Jul 2023 15:16:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tyne Brack Sat, 08 Feb 2020 18:33:09 +0000 In reply to Ally.

Hi, Ally! Congrats on your pregnancy! My advice would be to first talk with HR about the amount of time you can take off and still have a job when you come back. I don’t think any mom would tell you that 12 weeks is enough time. It certainly does not feel like it. Truthfully, I cried the first few days leading up to going back and for about a week after I returned to the classroom. The heartbreak subsides and becomes easier as your baby grows and gets to interact with other babies. My daughter now prefers going to ‘school’ over staying home with mommy. Wishing you a great pregnancy, a healthy delivery, and a happy maternity leave. -Tyne

By: Ally Sat, 08 Feb 2020 16:46:08 +0000 Thanks, I really appreciate this post and supporting your business. I am very early in my pregnancy and will leave mid fall – returning second semester. I have the emotions of – do I want to go back (I love teaching!) or take that spring semester off? We’re you ready to go back after your break? Is 12 weeks enough in your opinion? Does the heartbreak of leaving your baby subside?
I also would love reading about pumping!

By: Tyne Brack Tue, 03 Sep 2019 15:57:36 +0000 In reply to Emily.

Hi, Emily! I will probably be writing a post on that topic in a few months which might not be great timing for you. I would say that you need to make sure to have a meeting with HR about your leave. Make sure you understand how much time you have off, what you will be paid, and get all the necessary documents that must be signed by your doctor. After that, I would try to stay ahead of planning and copies, so that if you go into labor early, your sub will be in great shape. What was really great for me is that my sub was able to be in my classroom weeks (almost months) leading up to my leave so he could internalize my routines, and it gave the students an opportunity to know him. Then I would say to just leave school at school once your baby comes. It is actually way easier to do than it might seem right now! My maternity leave was great because it started in March, so I didn’t have to return until the new school year. Since I think you will have to be returning to your same students, I would plan for a day or two when you return for you to reset expectations, and a few extra days for reteaching some of the bigger standards that are important for the next grade level or your state test. Congratulations! And best of luck! Also, being pregnant as a teacher is awesome! Students are SO nice to you and are really interested. It is so sweet. -Tyne

By: Emily Mon, 02 Sep 2019 17:55:42 +0000 I really appreciate this post and your realistic reflections. Do you have any advice or blog posts on planning for/going on maternity leave? I will be out starting January and would love tips on what to expect or prep for. Thanks!
