Comments on: Using Calculators in Middle School Student-Centered Math Lessons Wed, 12 Jul 2023 16:04:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tyne Brack Sat, 27 Jul 2019 12:53:56 +0000 In reply to James.

Love this!

By: Ashley Austin Thu, 04 Apr 2019 17:20:55 +0000 I allow my 7th-8th students to use calculators after we have mastered the skill. As you said, if they put in the problem wrong, they will get the answer wrong. I hear so many times from my students: “That’s what the calculator said, the calculator must be wrong!” I am very curious about what a Calculator Test would look like. Is there an example?

By: James Wed, 16 Jan 2019 00:12:05 +0000 I’m a homeschooling parent. I’ve been on the fence about when my daughter will be allowed to begin using a calculator for math. Right now, she’s in 3rd grade; I’m thinking by 6th I may start allowing it on some work as by then “basic facts” should be well established.

I’ve worked in settings where if the power went down or the computerized cash register failed, 99% of the employees were lost. They couldn’t add up a person’s purchase, calculate sales tax, and figure change back without a machine doing it for them. I also landed a job in a motel when, during the interview, I was asked some math questions such as “the standard rate is $59.99 plus tax for one person and $5 for each additional adult. We give a 15% discount for seniors. What would the total charge be for a party with two adults using a senior discount?”. I was given a calculator but was messing up using it, so I asked if he mined if I did it with pecil & paper. When I was done, I was told not only was he imposed that I *could* do it on paper; I’d done it faster that way than anyone he’d seen do it using a calculator.

By: Lori Thu, 16 Nov 2017 00:08:39 +0000 YES, in the 4th-6th grades, we all own them to use the calculator. However, they must show their work. We also have 3-5 questions where they cannot use a calculator (usually on a separate page). If our state assessments allow for calculator use this way, it can be beneficial for our students, especially those who struggle with basic facts yet know the process.
